Fit4Micro Newsletter Issue #3

The Fit4Micro consortium is delighted to introduce its third newsletter edition.
This newsletter reports the latest news and developments of the project that have occurred up to
January 2025.
Fit4Micro – Clean and Efficient microCHCP by microturbine based hybrid systems, is a Horizon
Europe project aiming at developing a highly efficient microCHCP hybrid system running on
sustainable liquid biofuels and able to provide renewable heating, cooling and power production.

Read and Download the Fit4Micro Newsletter Issue #3 – February 2025

More News

Fit4Micro Newsletter Issue #3

The Fit4Micro consortium is delighted to introduce its third newsletter edition.
This newsletter reports the latest news and developments of the project that have occurred up to January 2025.

New published article

Despite appearing as a promising technology for small-scale decentralized Combined Heat and Power (CHP), the relatively low electrical efficiency of micro Gas Turbines (mGTs) prevents them from being attractive to users with variable heat demand.

Fit4Micro Newsletter Issue #2

The Fit4Micro consortium is delighted to introduce its second newsletter edition.
This newsletter reports the latest news and developments of the project that have occurred up to October 2024.

Fit4Micro Newsletter Issue #1

The Fit4Micro consortium is delighted to introduce its first newsletter edition.
This newsletter reports the latest news and developments of the project that have occurred up to July 2023 including what was presented at the EUBCE 2023.

Fit4Micro presentation at MEE 2023 in Dubai

The project was presented in Dubai, at the 48th Middle East Energy Conference. Fit4Micro communication and dissemination activities keep going on: this week, the project

Fit4Micro presentation at CEBC 2023 in Graz

The Project was presented in Graz, at the 7th Central European Biomass Conference. The Fit4Micro Project has officially started its communication activities: two weeks ago,

Fit4Micro Press Release

A new European project is working to develop a micro-CHP unit that runs on sustainable liquid biofuels